2019 Groningen, Netherlands

Kring 2019

Dear members of the KRING,

For those of you who are joining the KRING meeting from 22-24th September in Groningen, you will find below some practical details on how to get there.

Hotel address – Check in before 15:30 (Sunday 22nd September)Hanzeplein 132
9713 GW  Groningen

NH Hotel Groningen

  • Travel to Groningen by car

The hotel has only limited parking (max. 20 cars), for EUR 16/24hrs. It operates at “first come, first serve” basis.

Nearest parking garage is “Damsterdiep”, the address is: “Damsterplein 5, Groningen”. Fee is EUR 21/24hrs. More info: https://www.interparking.nl/en/find-parking/Damsterdiep/

From the parking it is a 5 min walk to the hotel: https://goo.gl/maps/Z5k7N5qVf2tZ4i7h7

    • Travel to Groningen by plain + train

From Schiphol there is a good train connection to Groningen (travel time is 2 h 8 min) and train leaves every 30 minutes. Plan your train journey via https://www.ns.nl/en

Train ticket
For the train we strongly advice to buy an e-ticket via https://www.ns.nl/producten/en/losse-kaartjes-toeslagen. You can download your e-ticket into the “NS App” on your smartphone.

From Groningen train station to the hotel
By bus you can take several busses, please exit at “UMCG Hoofdingang”, the head entrance of the UMCG hospital. The NH Hotel is right across the hospital. You can take any of below busses, but check the chauffeur to make sure it goes the right direction. Or plan you trip via https://www.qbuzz.nl/gd/ (Dutch only).


By foot it takes you approximately 20 minutes to reach the hotel. It is a nice walk through the city centre. Check your route via Google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/EMD9gpanNxACgCLM9

Bus ticket

You can buy a ticket at the bus for EUR 2,70. Not all busses accept cash, so have a debit card ready.

Save travels and see you in Groningen!

Best regards, on behalf of the organizing committee,

Fleur de Vries


Tel: 06 - 200 875 46
Stedumermaar 1, 9735 AC  Groningen

If you need further assistance or have any questions please contact me.

Preliminary schedule KRING September 2019

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Dear members of the KRING,

So far, April has shown us three seasons: spring, winter and summer. When we meet in September, we presume it will be autumn. Since we are going to visit our sea dikes a heavy storm would be interesting technical weather!

Highlights of the program
In the upcoming months, one of our most complicated dike reinforcement projects, between Eemshaven and Delfzijl, will be finished. Because of the risk of an earthquake (due to gas extraction) and subsidence there was quite some pressure from the government and our board to finish this work quicker than usual. Despite these and other circumstances, the project is combined with several dike concepts and local developments which makes it a unique project.

One of the unique topics we would like to share, is our project of measuring wave run up and wave overtopping. We built in special instruments in our dike and placed some equipment nearby in the Wadden Sea. By gaining information in the next 12 years we hope to be able to finetune the hydraulic conditions on which we have to test and design our sea dikes. A fieldtrip to this location is scheduled in the program.

The Lauwersmeerdijk is the other dike reinforcement project of Noorderzijlvest. In September only a selection of possible reinforcement solutions remains. On Monday we challenge you to use your knowledge, expertise and experience to help us choose the right solution for this particular project.

Hunze en Aa’s is going for the challenge of building a wide green dike, with clay made from salty harbour sludge (sediments from the Ems estuary). A visit to the location of this project and to the pilot project “Kleirijperij” (Clay Ripening) is planned on Tuesday.

We look forward to show you these and other projects and tell you more about the challenges that are waiting for us for the coming years.

 Costs and registration
This year the costs for participation is € 500,-- p.p. To registration complete this form: https://forms.gle/SR9rhEWC3qXWfitDA.

The first call is open until the 31st of May 2019.
The maximum of participants is limited to 80 and this year we decided to put a limit of 60 places for the participants older than 35 years. So please invite your young(er) colleagues to take part of this year's meeting of the KRING.

Boat trip on Sunday and start of the KRING meeting
On Sunday we are going on a short boat trip. During this trip you will be informed about the program on Monday. Please note that the bus to the boat leaves at 16:00 hours from the hotel, so please make sure you are checked in and ready to go by that time.

We look forward to see you in Groningen!

Jan-Willem Nieuwenhuis                              Henk van Norel

Water authority Noorderzijlvest              Water authority Hunze en Aa’s

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The Kring 22-24 September 2019 in Groningen

Dear members of the Kring network!

I am so delighted to announce a new, very interesting Kring meeting this year in Groningen. Please find more information in the texts below of the Organising Team of 2019!

We will start with a boat trip on Sunday so make sure you are well in time! We are invited during this meeting to discuss some of the dilemmas the team is currently facing. I look forward to discussing with you all and to helping out or colleagues with their work.

These three days of the Kring make it a unique opportunity to meet and greet with other professionals, during site visits, lectures and most of all during  walks, diners and drinks... For this reason this event can only be booked for the whole three days.

All information will be uploaded on the website this week) at www.coastalkring.eu.

I very much look forward to meeting  you all again during this outstanding event of 2019!

Best of wishes!

Petra Goessen

Your chair of Kring of Coastal Engineers
