2021 Hamburg, Germany

Kring presentations September 2021
























Save the date Kring 2022 September 25th

Dearest member of the Kring,


Last week we met as Kring in Hamburg. A very well organized, a very interesting and a very enjoyable meeting in the bustling harbour of Hamburg. The bar has been set high for the next Kring organizing team!

Presentations and pics will follow on the website in the upcoming weeks.


Speaking of the next Kring; please save the date for the next meeting of 25-27 September 2022 in the South west of the Netherlands. The lead organizers are Carola van Gelder (RWS), Ludolph Wentholt and Petra Angelone (STOWA). Keep an eye on your email box and on the website for further information!


In the meantime we will get back to you in November for an online Kring with guest speakers on slr on tropical islands. In March we will organize a Young Professionals Challenge where we will be taught to debate on climate change or awareness topics. As engineers we successfully failed to get the message out. Maybe in this challenge we will find a way…


Thanks again Team LSBG Hamburg for the well-organized, very interesting and fun Kring of 2021!


Looking forward to seeing you at the online meetings and the live Kring of 2022 in the Netherlands.


Kind regards,

Petra Goessen

Your chair of Kring


Kring live in Hamburg!

Dear all,

With great pleasure we announce that this year's Kring will be live in Hamburg! After an absence of a year, we will be able to meet up again and exchange ideas and knowledge during our visits along the coast of Germany.  Our German team is organizing a very nice trip along interesting sites along the coast in and near Hamburg. They have gone to considerable lengths to adjust and readjust the program. I am so happy for their continuing enthusiasm and they made the Kring a success already!

It will be a very special event this time, as we have a maximum amount of attendees due to Covid rules. The good news is, we will have more time to discuss in-depth on all matters shown by our colleagues and to talk to everyone!

Perhaps the rules will be less strict by the end of September, and we can allow more kring members to attend; so if you did not register yet, and still would like to join the Kring, please contact us at the usual email address of Kring. We will put your name on the reserve list and get in touch by then.

I am very much looking forward to seeing you all again live in Hamburg!



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Video from Germany

Watch this video from our German colleagues.

The German Team presents itself!

Dear all,

Please meet the German organising team of next years Kring event in September!

If you have not yet registered please do so with this link.

Kind regards,


KRING 2020: Hamburg, Germany update

Dearest Kring family member,

I am very happy to announce that our German colleagues of LSBG  are already opening the registration for the next Kring meeting in Hamburg!

We will be welcomed in the middle of the bustling heart of the HafenCity of Hamburg. The program is very exiting so I am expecting a big response. So don’t wait too long to register, as there is a limited amount of  tickets available…






The Team from Hamburg will reveal itself very soon with a Team Photo… so keep an eye on our websites!

You can find all information following this link.

I am looking forward to meeting you all again in September!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


Your chair of the Kring









KRING 2020: Hamburg, Germany

Dear Friends and members of the Kring,

With great pleasure we like to invite you to participate in the next Kring-meeting. We are delighted to welcome you all in our beautiful metropole in the north of Germany next September.

Hamburg is connected to the North Sea by the river Elbe. Storm surge protection has been deeply anchored/fixed in Hamburg's consciousness since the disastrous flood event of 1962. We protect inhabitants and assets against storm surges by implementing a wide variety of technical concepts. The HafenCity dwelling mound, architecturally designed flood protection promenades and dikes are protection systems of highest standards.

The coastal protection concept is also integrated with inland water management systems such as fish passes and gates. During the meeting you will be able to see all of our concepts.

Further information regarding the program and registration will follow in some weeks. We look forward to meeting you in September!

On behalf of Agency of roads bridges and water Dr. Olaf Müller, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gönnert, Michael Schaper, Clais von Mirbach, Sonja Peters, Jana Freimann and Adrian Röder.

The organization team of the Kring 2020